Sunday, October 19, 2014


While I was seeing a video about the Mith of the Cave (Mito de la Caverna), Platón,  I saw this interesting film about education and the educational systems that the States institute in the schools.

I think that this video is a good way to start thinking about what is neccessary to change!


Salva Fuentes said...

Hi Pilar,

I saw that documentary more than one year and a half ago, I think. Since that moment I have been very interested in Education. When I saw it, I did what you have done: I send it to Paqui ahahahah. I've watched lots of documentaries about Education. Some of them are even better than "The Forbidden Education". If you visit the blog I wrote last year you can watch some of them and you can read many things about the best educational system in my opinion, that is the educational system of Finland.

At least you must watch the first video that appears on my blog. I'm sure you'll love it.

In my opinion, the educational system should be less theoretical and more practical and funnier. In Primary School I think there shouldn't been exams (the opposite of what the government is doing) and we should teach on free thinking and not in values. And, of course, more resources are needed. At least, we should get beyond the European average in education expense (in relation to GDP = Producto Interior Bruto).

If I hadn't seen this documentary, maybe I would have not written against the Bachillerato de Excelencia. Maybe you'll join us ;)

See you tomorrow!

Paqui Pérez Fons said...


Yesterday I read this article about education and I think it could be interesting for you all. It includes several videos (also La educación prohibida and also some links to experiences of free schools in the UK during the 70s.

Only the private (boarding)and very expensive schools can afford doing things in a different way and that's not fair. That's why I'm critical with La educación prohibida.

As I said to Pilar, this documentary has to be watched critically. Here you have some links about it:

The more I think education, the more convinced I am that we need a structural change. Schools are organized as factories and more flexiblity is needed. We should focus less on memorizing and more on learning by doing, but a certain base is needed: people should be able to understand what they read and write and speak in public properly, reason, search for information and be able to analyze it critically...If we focused our interest on this, contents would be learnt sooner or later. That's similar to what they do in Finland: they are not demanding with contents at the beginning, but when a good base has been built, they can start learning more complicate concepts. And the most important thing for me is that in Finland every student receives the help he/she needs, when they need it (not in July, like "Abriendo caminos") and this is an obligation for the State. The State finances the school from the kindergarten to the university, everything is free, there are very few private schools and when children need extra help, their parents don't have to make an extra effort, because the schools have time, space and teachers to help them. Parents trust the teachers and they don't have to be constantly justifying what they do and there's space for creativity, go in deep...

Finally, I would like to include another article I have read today about the manipulation of history in the curriculum of some States of the USA and how the students have protested:

In many States the students are fighting against standardized tests, the same exams the LOMCE is going to include.

Have a nice weekend!

Salva Fuentes said...

Hi Paqui,

I agree with you. The fact that only private schools can afford doing things in a different way is not fair. However, the educational system that the video proposed have many things that we can include in public schools.
