Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Welcome to our new blog!

After an endless wait, we finally have the chance to learn the history of Spain in English together. I hope this will be a good year for all of us.  

Here you will find all the materials and projects we're going to prepare together. I'll also include all the sources, bibliography and resources we're going to use in class and all you need to prepare the damned PAEG exam ;)

I've also created some tabs, so that you can easily find what you're looking for. This is the list of books in Spanish I've showed you in class: 

- Gil Andrés, Carlos, 50 Cosas Que Hay Que Saber de la Historia de España, Barcelona, Editorial Ariel, 2013

- Aróstegui Sánchez, J, García Sebastián, M, Gatell Arimont,C, Palafox Gamir,J, Risques Corbella, M, Historia de España, Barcelona, Editorial Vicens Vives, 2009. 

And here you have the links to the information for the PAEG exam: 

- Guidelines to prepare the exam

- Exam models: you can have a look to this year exams and all the History exams since 1999:

Finally, this is my first contribution to the quotes' collaborative project. It belongs to Albert Camus, the French philosopher and writer:

In the end, man is not entirely guilty: he did not start history. Nor he is wholly innocent: he continues it. 

See you tomorrow!

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