Thursday, February 5, 2015

Some schemes about taxes

Here you have the schemes I promised about tax collection. They have been made with a very interesting tool  called Examtime. You can test it to prepare your own schemes.

The first schemes are about taxes in the Ancien Régime. They refer to taxes in Castile, but there were similar taxes in Aragón too:


And this is how tax collection was done:

Even with such a big amount of taxes, incomes were insufficient and the precious metals from the Indies became essential since the begining of the colonization. When most of the colonies were lost, the Treasury went through a big crisis and publuc debt increased to unbearable limits. Mon and Santillán tax reform tried to simplify tax collection and make it more efficient, but it was really difficult without a reliable population census. Here you have another scheme about Mon and Santillán tax reform:

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